We offer 90 minute Family Constellation Sessions to talk about the challenges your family is having - Figure out each family members Psychological Inclination and get a guide book to raising each of your kids.
Call Tiffany at 801-201-8315 to schedule a consult with Master Coach Nicole Cunningham.
Nicole is an expert at working with at risk teens and she will give your child special attention and care as she teaches them the tools and skills they need to make it in the world and thrive.
"I've never seen anyone better at reaching and connecting with kids and young adults than Nicole. She just gets them and they adore her. After only one session I've seen a complete change in these kids." - Kim Giles
We offer a group Teen GYST Group Bootcamp Coaching Program
We also offer one one one individual programs that are the ideal for most teens.
Schedule a Free consult or come join us for a FREE PARENTING WORKSHOP on Thursday nights - OR bring your teen to our GYST Teen Class